Site map
- List of forms of state statistical surveys
- Sample Surveys
- Sample Household Living Standards Survey
- Sample survey of personal subsidiary plots of rural residents in the Republic of Belarus
- Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys on the Situation of Children and Women
- Time Use Survey
- Sample survey of personal subsidiary plots of temporary rural residents in Belarus
- System of Belstat
- History of Belarusian statistics
- Legal framework of state statistics of the Republic of Belarus
- Cooperation with government bodies of the Republic of Belarus
- International cooperation
- International agreements
- International assessments
- Report on the Sector Review of National Accounts in Belarus (.pdf)
- Report on sector review of the Business statistics in Belarus (.pdf)
- Adapted Global Assessment of the National Statistical System of the Republic of Belarus, 2013 (.pdf)
- Global Assessment of the National Statistical System of the Republic of Belarus, 2020 (.pdf)
- International projects
- News and events
- Useful links
- Quality Management System
- Main indicators of the Republic of Belarus
- Demographic and social statistics
- Economic statistics
- Industry
- Energy
- Agriculture, forestry and fishery
- Construction and fixed capital investment
- Domestic trade (retail trade, wholesale, catering)
- Transport
- Structural surveys of organisations, including small and medium business
- Business demography
- National accounts
- Labor cost
- Business finance
- Prices
- Foreign trade
- Foreign investment
- Tourism
- Other services
- Science and innovation
- Telecommunication, postal and courier activities
- Multi-domain statistics
- For users
- Publications
- Statistical publications (data books, bulletins)
- Catalogues of statistical publications
- National accounts of the Republic of Belarus
- Belarus in Figures
- Tourism and tourist resources in the Republic of Belarus
- Small and medium business in the Republic of Belarus
- Agriculture of the Republic of Belarus
- Environmental protection in the Republic of Belarus
- Industry in the Republic of Belarus
- Regions of the Republic of Belarus (in two volumes)
- Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Belarus
- Social Standing and Living Standards of Population in the Republic of Belarus
- Domestic trade and public catering of the Republic of Belarus
- Investment and construction in the Republic of Belarus
- Information society of the Republic of Belarus
- Health and status of women in the family in the Republic of Belarus
- Time budget of the population in the Republic of Belarus
- Databases
- Population Censuses Data of the Republic of Belarus
- Interactive business intelligence system for distribution of official statistical information
- National platform for reporting indicators of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Regional Sustainable Development Data Platform
- Universal data-portal on child-related statistics
- Web-portal "Gender Statistics"
- Information and analytical system "Geostatistics"
- National Summary Data Page
- Gross Domestic Product by production approach
- Gross Domestic Product by expenditure approach
- Gross Domestic Product by income approach
- Industrial production index
- Industrial production indices by economic activity (OKED)
- Dynamic of labour force
- Nominal and real average monthly wages
- Consumer price index
- Producer price index
- Population
- Summary methodology
- Summary data tables
- Advance Release Calendar
- National Summary Data Page