Time budget of the population in the Republic of Belarus

Publishing period – June.

  The booklet presents the results of the sample household time use survey.

It publishes information on the time spent by certain socio-demographic groups of the population on various types of activities: work, education, housekeeping, recreation, personal care, etc., as well as the ratio of time for paid and unpaid work among women and men.

The survey period was from April 2024 to March 2025, covering all days of a 12-month period (weekdays and weekends, including vacations and vacation days). The sample size amounted to 6,000 households living in all the regions of the country and Minsk city. The target group was the population aged 10 years and older.

The UN International Classification of Activities for Time Use Statistics was used to compile the survey results.

The booklet is published in Russian and English.

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