National Summary Data Page

The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on
The International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB)

For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which the Republic of Belarus
has committed, please click on DSBB Home Page.

Unless otherwise indicated, the data are not seasonally adjusted.

[Real Sector][Fiscal Sector][Financial Sector][External Sector][Population]

SDDS Data Category
and Component

Unit Description


Additional Information

Period of Latest data


Data for Previous Period


National Accounts

GDP in current prices, by production approach BYN million Q2/24
59 150.8 54 177.1 GDP by production approach
Agriculture, forestry and fishing BYN million Q2/24 1 863.2 1 859.1
Mining and quarrying BYN million Q2/24 474.6 447.3
Manufacturing BYN million Q2/24 13 364.2 12 022.8
Electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning supply BYN million Q2/24 1 853.5 2 334.0
Water supply; waste management; remediation activities BYN million Q2/24 437.0 415.6
Construction BYN million Q2/24 3 449.8 2 352.4
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles BYN million Q2/24 5 807.1 5 037.7
Transportation, storage, postal and courier activities BYN million Q2/24 3 032.0 2 833.8
Accommodation and food service activities BYN million Q2/24 729.3 579.1
Information and communication BYN million Q2/24 2 933.2 2 802.7
Financial and insurance activities BYN million Q2/24 2 276.1 2 077.7
Real estate activities BYN million Q2/24 3 743.6 3 606.7
Professional, scientific and technical activities BYN million Q2/24 1 516.2 1 327.2
Administrative and support service activities BYN million Q2/24 974.5 799.8
Public administration BYN million Q2/24 2 570.5 2 321.4
Education BYN million Q2/24 3 273.5 2 444.5
Human health and social work activities BYN million Q2/24 2 677.4 2 375.3
Arts, sports, entertainment and recreation BYN million Q2/24 727.0 621.2
Other service activities BYN million Q2/24 528.8 457.7
Net taxes on products BYN million Q2/24 6 919.3 7 461.1
GDP in constant prices, by production approach Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 31 583.9 29 651.8
Agriculture, forestry and fishing Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 1 610.9 1 265.4
Mining and quarrying Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 246.0 243.4
Manufacturing Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 7 514.1 7 006.3
Electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning supply Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 921.7 1 343.2
Water supply; waste management; remediation activities Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 229.6 215.8
Construction Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 1 641.6 1 131.9
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 3 147.7 3 072.5
Transportation, storage, postal and courier activities Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 1 467.3 1 246.0
Accommodation and food service activities Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 331.9 303.9
Information and communication Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 1 977.9 1 847.7
Financial and insurance activities Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 1 079.2 1 081.1
Real estate activities Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 1 482.6 1 439.1
Professional, scientific and technical activities Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 863.4 882.7
Administrative and support service activities Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 356.8 341.8
Public administration Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 1 155.2 1 137.6
Education Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 1 127.5 1 136.6
Human health and social work activities Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 1 146.3 1 169.7
Arts, sports, entertainment and recreation Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 301.5 293.4
Other service activities Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 223.5 304.2
Net taxes on products Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 4 759.2 4 189.5
GDP in current prices, by expenditure approach BYN million Q2/24
59 150.8 54 177.1 GDP by expenditure approach
Household consumption expenditure BYN million Q2/24 32 045.5 31 075.1
Government consumption expenditure BYN million Q2/24 12 157.7 9 914.5
Expenditures of non-profit institutions serving households BYN million Q2/24 462.6 389.2
Gross fixed capital formation BYN million Q2/24 13 353.1 10 347.9
Change in inventories BYN million Q2/24 -297.7 109.3
Exports of goods and services BYN million Q2/24 39 803.2 37 392.6
Imports of goods and services BYN million Q2/24 39 186.4 37 726.0
Statistical discrepancy BYN million Q2/24 812.8 2 674.5
GDP in constant prices, by expenditure approach Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 31 583.9 29 651.8
Household consumption expenditure Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 20 601.4 19 424.5
Government consumption expenditure Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 4 569.9 4 648.8
Expenditures of non-profit institutions serving households Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 209.1 220.2
Gross fixed capital formation Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 6 842.5 6 471.5
Change in inventories Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 -148.6 55.7
Exports of goods and services Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 22 639.2 20 226.7
Imports of goods and services Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 22 626.5 20 715.6
Statistical discrepancy Average annual prices of 2018, BYN million Q2/24 -503.1 -680.0
GDP by income approach GDP by income approach

SDDS Data Category and Component Unit Description Observations Additional Information
Period of Latest data Latest data Data for Previous Period
Industrial production index1) correspondent period of previous year=100 Aug/24
Industrial production index

Industrial production indices by economic activity
Employment thousand persons Q2/24 4 829.8 4 800.9


Unemployment thousand persons Q2/24 149.2 161.9 Unemployment
Wages/earnings BYN on average per month Aug/24
2 341.2 2 355.1
Consumer price index 1999=100 Aug/24 12 591.0
12 599.8
Consumer price index
Producer price index 1999=100 Aug/24
24 366.7
24 315.8
Producer price index

SDDS Data Category and Component

Unit Description


Additional Information

Period of Latest Data

Latest Data

Data for Previous Period


General Government Operations2)

Fiscal data page

Revenues BYN thousand Q4/23 26 962 355 21 395 399
Expenditures BYN thousand Q4/23 26 644 528 20 789 313
Balance, deficit/surplus BYN thousand Q4/23 317 827 606 086
Financing BYN thousand Q4/23 -317 827 -606 086
Domestic BYN thousand Q4/23 1 106 797 -1 409 938
Bank BYN thousand Q4/23 738 170 -1 971 834
Nonbank BYN thousand Q4/23 368 627 561 896
Foreign BYN thousand Q4/23 -1 424 624 803 851

Central Government Operations3)

Revenues BYN thousand Dec/23 6 068 872 4 962 859
Expenditures BYN thousand Dec/23 8 228 300 4 879 523
Balance, deficit/surplus BYN thousand Dec/23 -2 159 429 83 336
Financing BYN thousand Dec/23 2 159 429 -83 336
Domestic BYN thousand Dec/23 2 129 387 52 376
Bank BYN thousand Dec/23 966 189 45 494
Nonbank BYN thousand Dec/23 1 163 198 6 882
Foreign BYN thousand Dec/23 30 042 -135 712
Central Government Debt BYN thousand ... ... ...

SDDS Data Category and Component

Unit Description 


Additional Information

Period of Latest data


Data for Previous Period


Depository Corporations Survey

Depository Corporations Survey

Money aggregate M0 BYN million Jul/24 10 895.1 10 739.0 Broad Money Indicators
Money aggregate M1 BYN million Jul/24 25 300.7 25 889.2
Money aggregate M2 BYN million Jul/24 44 183.4 44 871.2
Money aggregate M3 BYN million Jul/24 79 642.9 80 492.9
Domestic claims BYN million Jul/24 78 123.5 80 328.1
Net claims on general government BYN million Jul/24 -14 503.6 -11 443.5
Claims on nonbank financial institutions BYN million Jul/24 10 746.8 10 602.3
Claims on public nonfinancial corporations BYN million Jul/24 29 976.9 29 445.1
Claims on private sector BYN million Jul/24 51 903.4 51 724.2
Net foreign assets BYN million Jul/24 32 197.0 30 442.9

Central Bank Survey

Central Bank Survey

Monetary base BYN million Jul/24 21 037.0 21 510.3
Domestic claims BYN million Jul/24 -576.5 -14.0
Net claims on general government BYN million Jul/24 -7 741.3 -6 376.6
Claims on nonbank financial institutions BYN million Jul/24 2 866.2 2 815.9
Claims on public nonfinancial corporations BYN million Jul/24 189.1 189.1
Claims on private sector BYN million Jul/24 27.0 27.6
Claims on other depository corporations BYN million Jul/24 4 082.5 3 330.0
Net foreign assets BYN million Jul/24 25 651.6 25 574.9 Net foreign position

Interest Rates

Short-term government bond rates (GKOs) and long-term bond rates (GDOs)

percent per annum





Refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

percent per annum




Refinancing rate

Overnight credit rates set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (one-day settlement credit)

percent per annum




Interest rates on the national bank's operations

Rates on Lombard collateral credits set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

percent per annum



Interest rates on the national bank's operations

Rates on funds resources attracted for deposit and deposited with the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

percent per annum




Interest rates on the national bank's operations

Actual rates on interbank credits (deposits)

percent per annum


Average interest rates

Stock Exchange: Stock Price Index

Belarusian currency and stock exchange

SDDS Data Category and Component

Unit Description 


Additional Information

Period of Latest data



for Previous Period


Balance of Payments4)

Balance of payments statistics

Current account USD million Q2/24 462.1 -1 848.0
Exports of goods and services USD million Q2/24 12 368.9 11 512.3
Imports of goods and services USD million Q2/24 12 169.3 11 603.9
Primary income USD million Q2/24 23.0 -1 918.0
Secondary income USD million Q2/24 239.4 161.6
Capital account USD million Q2/24 1.6 2.9
Financial account USD million Q2/24 867.5 -1 424.6
Direct investment USD million Q2/24 162.1 -1 551.9
Portfolio investment USD million Q2/24 -1.8 -35.1
Financial derivatives USD million Q2/24 -0.2 -0.8
Other investment USD million Q2/24 707.4 163.2
Net errors and omissions USD million Q2/24 229.0 448.7
Financing USD million Q2/24 -174.8 28.2
International reserves (official reserve assets) USD million Sep/24 8 858.3 8 697.1 International reserve assets
Foreign currency reserves USD million Sep/24 2 891.6 2 943.7
IMF reserve position USD million Sep/24 0.0 0.0
SDRs (special drawing rights) USD million Sep/24 1 399.2 1 389.4
Gold USD million Sep/24 4 567.4 4 363.9
Other reserve assets USD million Sep/24 0.1 0.1
Template for International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity USD million Aug/24 Template for International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity
Merchandise Trade (Foreign Trade) Foreign trade
Total exports of goods (f.o.b.) USD million Jul/24
3 402.1
3 487.9
Total imports of goods (f.o.b.) USD million Jul/24
3 913.5
3 560.1
Trade balance USD million Jul/24
International Investment Position USD million Q2/24 - 19 561.0 - 20 257.2 International Investment Position
Assets USD million Q2/24 32 086.7 31 273.4
Direct investment abroad USD million Q2/24 1 595.6 1 534.5
Portfolio investment USD million Q2/24 102.3 100.1
Equity securities USD million Q2/24 21.0 21.0
Debt securities USD million Q2/24 81.3 79.2
Financial derivatives USD million Q2/24 1.1 0.4
Other investment USD million Q2/24 22 029.2 21 285.9
Reserve assets USD million Q2/24 8 358.5 8 352.5
Liabilities USD million Q2/24 51 647.8 51 530.6
Direct investment in Belarus USD million Q2/24 17 189.8 17 250.9
Portfolio investment USD million Q2/24 3 212.0 3 192.1
Equity securities USD million Q2/24 40.0 39.2
Debt securities USD million Q2/24 3 172.0 3 152.8
Financial derivatives USD million Q2/24 2.3 1.4
Other investment USD million Q2/24 31 243.7 31 086.2
Gross External Debt Position5) USD million Q2/24 36 646.7 36 393.4 External Debt
General Government USD million Q2/24 17 050.2 16 862.0
Short-term USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0
Currency and deposits USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0
Debt securities USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0
Loans USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0
Trade credit and advances USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0
Other debt liabilities USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0
Long-term USD million Q2/24 17 050.2 16 862.0
Currency and deposits USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0
Debt securities USD million Q2/24 2 707.5 2 690.3
Loans USD million Q2/24 14 342.7 14 171.7
Trade credit and advances USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0
Other debt liabilities USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0
Deposit-Taking Corporations USD million Q2/24 4 770.2 4 938.0
Short-term USD million Q2/24 2 019.5 2 124.9
Currency and deposits USD million Q2/24 1 922.5 1 965.0
Debt securities USD million Q2/24 23.9 23.9
Loans USD million Q2/24 7.1 15.0
Trade credit and advances USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0
Other debt liabilities USD million Q2/24 66.0 121.1
Long-term USD million Q2/24 2 750.7 2 813.1
Currency and deposits USD million Q2/24 1 334.5 1 387.7
Debt securities USD million Q2/24 1.2 1.2
Loans USD million Q2/24 62.9 61.1
Trade credit and advances USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0
Other debt liabilities USD million Q2/24 1 352.2 1 363.1
Other Sectors USD million Q2/24 12 595.2 12 439.1
Short-term USD million Q2/24 8 514.6 8 204.3
Currency and deposits USD million Q2/24 347.0 327.7
Debt securities USD million Q2/24 1.4 1.4
Loans USD million Q2/24 804.7 807.4
Trade credit and advances USD million Q2/24 7 344.0 7 051.5
Other debt liabilities USD million Q2/24 17.6 16.4
Long-term USD million Q2/24 4 080.6 4 234.8
Currency and deposits USD million Q2/24 131.6 135.7
Debt securities USD million Q2/24 437.9 436.1
Loans USD million Q2/24 3 511.1 3 663.0
Trade credit and advances USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0
Other debt liabilities USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0
Direct Investment: Intercompany Lending USD million Q2/24 2 231.0 2 154.3
Debt liabilities of direct investment enterprises to direct investors USD million Q2/24 2 225.0 2 148.4
Debt liabilities of direct investors to direct investment enterprises USD million Q2/24 6.0 5.9
Debt liabilities to fellow enterprises USD million Q2/24 0.0 0.0

Exchange Rates

Official exchange rates (daily)

US dollar




SDDS Data Category and Component

Unit Description


Additional Information

Period of Latest data


Data for Previous Period





9 156.0

9 200.6

Population dynamics
Population data by regions

1) Industrial production index is calculated on the basis of production dynamics of representative goods (in physical or value terms).
2) General government operations include: the republican budget, the budget of the Social Protection Fund of the Republic of Belarus, the local budgets.
3) Central government operations include: the republican budget, the budget of the Social Protection Fund of the Republic of Belarus.
4) According to the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (IMF, 2009).
5) According to the External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (IMF, 2013).
6) Latest data are as of the beginning of 2024, previous period data are given as of the beginning of 2023.

Print version
12 Partizansky avenue, Minsk, 220070