Gross Domestic Product by income approach

Current prices, BYN million

quarter I quarter II quarter III quarter IV Year
Gross domestic product 54 177.1 59 150.8 67 329.9
of which:
compensation of employees  28 611.1 31 117.1 32 372.1
net taxes on production and imports 8 062.2 7 331.6 9 073.9
gross operating surplus and gross mixed income 17 503.8 20 702.1 25 883.9

Current prices, BYN million


quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product 47 341.9 51 195.8 59 439.6 59 991.7 217 969.0
of which:
compensation of employees  24 268.5 26 370.3 27 246.2 28 771.9 106 656.9
net taxes on production and imports 6 521.6 6 467.4 7 515.7 7 776.0 28 280.7
gross operating surplus and gross mixed income 16 551.8 18 358.1 24 677.7 23 443.8 83 031.4

*) The data are recalculated taking into account the final calculations of GDP for 2023.

Current prices, BYN million


quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product

44 310.7

44 578.4

52 832.1

52 019.8

193 741.0

of which:






compensation of employees

21 791.6

22 852.6

23 365.2

24 326.9

92 336.3

net taxes on production and imports

6 051.2

4 116.9

5 685.0

5 972.7

21 825.8

gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

16 467.9

17 608.9

23 781.9

21 720.2

79 578.9

*) The data are recalculated taking into account the final calculations of GDP for 2022.

Current prices, BYN million


quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product

37 529.7

41 861.8

47 872.6

49 614.9

176 879.0

  of which:

  compensation of employees

19 002.5

20 602.9

21 057.8

21 714.1

82 377.3

  net taxes on production and imports

5 352.1

5 457.0

5 839.8

6 269.1

22 918.0

  gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

13 175.1

15 801.9

20 975.0

21 631.7

71 583.7

* The data are recalculated taking into account the final calculations of GDP for 2021.

Current prices, BYN million



quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product

33 002.5

34 398.0

40 886.0

41 434.3

149 720.8

of which:






compensation of employees

17 229.9

17 809.4

18 631.0

19 347.3

73 017.6

net taxes on production and imports

4 796.5

4 358.4

5 473.4

5 670.0

20 298.3

gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

10 976.1

12 230.2

16 781.6

16 417.0

56 404.9

* The data are recalculated taking into account the final calculations of GDP for 2020.

Current prices, BYN million


2019 *

quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product

29 566.3

32 163.0

36 871.9

36 130.9

134 732.1

of which:






compensation of employees

15 289.9

16 269.1

16 790.3

17 308.2

65 657.5

net taxes on production and imports

4 816.2

4 546.6

5 090.3

4 728.3

19 181.4

gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

9 460.2

11 347.3

14 991.3

14 094.4

49 893.2

* The data are recalculated taking into account the final calculations of GDP for 2019.

(current prices, BYN million)


2018 *

quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product

26 766.1

29 341.8

33 127.3

33 084.5

122 319.7

of which:






compensation of employees

13 514.0

14 308.8

14 753.3

15 590.1

58 166.2

net taxes on production and import

4 622.2

4 887.2

4 946.3

5 050.3

19 506.0

gross operating surplus. gross mixed income

8 629.9

10 145.8

13 427.7

12 444.1

44 647.5

* The data are recalculated taking into account the final calculations of GDP for 2018.

(current prices, BYN million)


quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product

22 652.4

25 341.2

28 569.2

29 185.4

105 748.2

of which:

compensation of employees

11 294.3

12 241.7

12 653.7

13 477.2

49 666.9

net taxes on production and import

3 823,2

3 837,3

3 785,1

4 163,3

15 608,9

gross operating surplus. gross mixed income

7 534.9

9 262.2

12 130.4

11 544.9

40 472.4

(current prices, BYN million)


2016*, **

quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product

21 121.7

23 052.5

25 720.6

25 054.2

94 949.0

of which:






compensation of employees

10 650.6

11 301.7

11 412.1

11 480.0

44 844.4

net taxes on production and import

3 520.3

3 714.8

3 570.8

3 462.4

14 268.3

gross operating surplus. gross mixed income

6 950.8

8 036.0

10 737.7

10 111.8

35 836.3

* Data are provided in compliance with the main provisions of SNA 2008
** Value indicators are provided in terms of the new denomination (BYN) effective from July, 1, 2016 (BYN 1 = BYR 10 000).

(current prices, BYR billion)


2015 *

quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product

198 213.1

215 975.9

245 244.1

239 665.0

899 098.1

of which:






compensation of employees

100 791.5

107 376.3

110 170.6

110 946.6

429 285.0

net taxes on production and import

32 160.7

33 307.2

30 916.7

32 778.8

129 163.4

gross operating surplus. gross mixed income

65 260.9

75 292.4

104 156.8

95 939.6

340 649.7

* Data are provided in compliance with the main provisions of SNA 2008

  (current prices, BYR billion)



quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product

166 702.1

191 256.8

226 355.6

221 478.2

805 792.7

of which:

compensation of employees

90 147.9

98 956.3

103 331.7

105 381.5

397 817.4

net taxes on production and import

23 709.3

25 684.2

28 611.4

31 426.6

109 431.5

gross operating surplus, gross mixed income

52 844.9

66 616.3

94 412.5

84 670.1

298 543.8

* Data are provided in compliance with the main provisions of SNA 2008

(current prices, bln. rubles)


2013*, 1

quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product

137 013.6

163 720.3

185 736.8

184 217.8

670 688.5

of which:






compensation of employees

74 611.6

82 787.4

89 766.5

91 894.4

339 059.9

net taxes on production and import

18 551.5

22 965.0

24 717.2

24 315.9

90 549.6

gross operating surplus, gross mixed income

43 850.5

57 967.9

71 253.1

68 007.5

241 079.0

* Data are provided in compliance with the main provisions of SNA 2008.
1 Since 2013 including hidden wages.

(current prices, bln. rubles)


2012 *

quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product

106 219.2

137 504.7

147 970.6

155 922.2

547 616.7

of which:






compensation of employees

47 879.4

56 501.7

63 477.9

69 867.0

237 726.0

net taxes on production and import

13 576.4

19 057.7

20 080.0

22 232.2

74 946.3

gross operating surplus, gross mixed income

44 763.4

61 945.3

64 412.7

63 823.0

234 944.4

* Data are provided in compliance with the main provisions of SNA 2008

(current prices, bln. rubles)



quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product

46 605.3

64 619.6

86 117.2

109 902.9

307 245.0

of which:

compensation of employees

24 029.7

27 476.6

33 024.0

40 906.3

125 436.6

net taxes on production and import

5 254.8

8 704.3

10 659.3

14 615.2

39 233.6

gross operating surplus, gross mixed income

17 320.8

28 438.7

42 433.9

54 381.4

142 574.8

* Data are provided in compliance with the main provisions of SNA 2008

(current prices, bln. rubles)


2010 *

quarter I

quarter II

quarter III

quarter IV


Gross domestic product

32 908.4

39 228.8

50 005.7

48 322.9

170 465.8

of which:






compensation of employees

17 117.5

19 738.9

21 311.0

23 375.3

81 542.7

net taxes on production and import

4 429.5

5 506.9

6 641.0

7 390.7

23 968.1

gross operating surplus, gross mixed income

11 361.4

13 983.0

22 053.7

17 556.9

64 955.0

* Data are provided in compliance with the main provisions of SNA 2008

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12 Partizansky avenue, Minsk, 220070