National accounts of the Republic of Belarus, 2012

Document type: Statistical data books
Registration No.: 04/98-р
Registration date: 14 March 2012
Organization: National Statistical Commettee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)
Periodicity: Annual
Language: Russian и English
Abstract: The statistical book presents results of the annual and quarterly estimates of the System of National Accounts (SNA). The accounts of the System reflect economic transactions taking place between institutional units within each kind of economic activity. The publication consists of the following sections: “Summary national accounts”, “Accounts by kinds of economic activity”, “Use of gross domestic product”, “Accounts by sectors of economy”, “Quarterly estimates of gross domestic product”, “Gross regional product”, “International comparisons of gross domestic product”. The SNA data are calculated for the country as a whole and by sectors. The production and generation of income accounts are broken down by kinds of economic activity. Integrated national accounts tables for 2009 and 2010 are included. The statistical book contains methodological explanatory notes and brief analysis of the main indicators of accounts. Published in Russian and English.
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