Children and Youth in the Republic of Belarus, 2018

Children and Youth in the Republic of Belarus, 2018

Document type: Statistical data books

Registration No.: 09/568-р

Registration date: 31 August 2018

Organization: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)

Periodicity: Other

Language: Russian, English


133 pages, period of publication – august

The data book presents the official statistical information that characterizes various life aspects of children and youth in the Republic of Belarus.

The book provides data on the number of children and youth, their composition by gender, as well as the data on marriages and divorces, educational institutions teaching pre-primary, general secondary, vocational-technical, secondary specialized, and tertiary education programmes; on cultural and supplementary education institutions, summer recreational camps, sanatorium, health resort and recreational institutions that provide services to children and youth, and other information that reflects the situation of children and youth in the Republic of Belarus.

Published is information on youth employment and unemployment, on detection and placement of orphaned children and children deprived of parental care, children’s boarding institutions, adoption of orphaned children and children deprived of parental care.

The book provides selected indicators for monitoring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals formulated in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Selected statistical indicators are furnished with methodological explanations.

Тhe book is issued once every three years.

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