Document type: Statistical data books
Registration No.: 26/569-р
Registration date: 16 July 2015
Organization: Национальный статистический комитет Республики Беларусь (Белстат)
Periodicity: Annual
Language: Russian и English
Abstract: The book presents statistical data on the number of children and youth, their composition by sex and age groups, marriages and divorces. Data on births are broken down by age of mother, her marital status, and birth order of a child. Data on deaths are shown by sex, age group and cause of death. There is information on treatment and preventive care of children and their morbidity. The book contains statistics on educational institutions teaching pre-primary, general secondary, vocational-technical, secondary specialized, higher and postgraduate education programmes; on cultural, supplementary educational institution, summer recreational camps, sanatorium, health improvement and recreational institutions. The book contains also the information on employment and unemployment among youth, on detection and placement of orphaned children and children deprived of parental care, children’s boarding institutions, adoption of orphaned children and children deprived of parental care. Data are shown for the country as a whole as well as in a breakdown by regions and Minsk City. Selected statistical indicators are furnished with methodological explanations.
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