Demographic Yearbook of the Republic of Belarus, 2019

Demographic Yearbook of the Republic of Belarus, 2019

Document type: Statistical data books

Registration No.: 26/569-р

Registration date: 30 August 2019

Organization: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)

Periodicity: Annual

Language: Russian, English


The data book presents statistics on the administrative territorial division, number and age-sex composition of the population and its distribution across the area of the Republic of Belarus, on births and deaths, marriages and divorces, and migration. Data on births are provided by age of mother, her marital status and birth order; data on deaths are broken down by sex, age and cause of death. Published are generalising indicators that describe reproduction processes as well as data on life expectancy at birth. Statistical data at the national and regional levels are provided in long-term time series; key demographic indicators are shown in a district breakdown. Data on the population number for the period between censuses (2000-2009) have been revised on the basis of the 2009 population census results; these revised numbers were used for the calculation of relative indicators. The statistical book contains a brief characteristic of the data sources as well as the rules of calculation of indicators.

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