
(based on data of the Labour Force Survey)

Employment rate in the Republic of Belarus (the ratio of employed population to the population aged 15 − 74 years) in Quarter 4 of 2024 was 66.6%; unemployment rate (in compliance with the ILO methodology) was 3% of the number of labour force.

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According to the first estimate for 2024, GDP at current prices totaled BYN 246.6 billion, or 104% of the level of 2023 at constant prices.

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In 2024 the total planted area under agricultural crops in farms of all types (agricultural organisations, private farms and household plots) was at 5725.8 thousand hectares. The agricultural organisations accounted for 92.2% of the total sown area, private farms – 3.8%, household plots – 4%.

17.01.2025 11:00

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