National accounts of the Republic of Belarus, 2005-2012 years

National accounts of the Republic of Belarus, 2005-2012 years

Document type: Statistical data books

Registration No.: 04/163-р

Registration date: 13 March 2014

Organization: National Statistical Commettee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)

Periodicity: Annual

Language: English

Abstract: The statistical book presents indicators of the system of national accounts and estimates of the gross regional product of the Republic of Belarus. The publication is intended for senior management, government agencies, financial and economic departments of enterprises, scientific organisations, banks, higher education teaching staff, postgraduates and students of economics, and other interested users. The book includes also data sourced from the UNECE database and the official websites of the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (Rosstat) and CIS Interstate Statistical Committee (CISSTAT).

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