Social Conditions and Standard of Living in the Republic of Belarus, 2014

Document type: Statistical data books
Registration No.: 13/452-р
Registration date: 14 July 2014
Organization: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus
Periodicity: Annual
Language: English
Abstract: The data book presents information describing various aspects of the level and quality of life of the population in Belarus for the years 2009-2013. Provided are the key socioeconomic indicators reflecting demographic situation, employment and unemployment, the size and patterns of population money incomes as well as the level, incidence and duration of low-income state in households. The data on housing conditions, health and medical care, pensions and social protection of selected population groups, education and culture, environment and crime are published in the book. Statistical indicators characterizing the development of consumer market of goods and services for population, transport and communications, network of tourism and recreation organisations, science, and training of research personnel are also presented. Data for the main indicators are provided in a breakdown by regions and Minsk city. The book contains some international comparisons. The publication is illustrated with charts and diagrams.
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