Document type: Data books
Registration No.: 10/393-р
Registration date: 31 July 2024
Organization: National statistical committee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)
Periodicity: Other
Language: Russian
167 pages, publication term – July
The data book presents official statistical information on prices in the Republic of Belarus in 2018 – 2023.
The data book is based on data collected by state statistics agencies through the recording (method of collection) of prices (tariffs) by sector specialists and those received from enterprises and organisations through state sample statistical surveys.
The data book comprises official statistical information on the level and dynamics of prices (tariffs) in the consumer market, producer prices in industry, construction, agriculture, prices (tariffs) of transport and communication services, characterizing the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus. Selected macroeconomic indicators are provided. The information is provided in the form of tables and graphic material.
Intended for senior managerial staff, government officials, financial and economic departments of organizations, research community, higher education teaching staff, post-graduates and students, and other interested users.
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© National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. When using information reference to the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus is mandatory.