Commodity supply balances in the Republic of Belarus, 2017

Commodity supply balances in the Republic of Belarus, 2017

Document type: Statistical data book

Registration No.: 08/515-р

Registration date: 15 August 2017

Organization: National Statistical Commettee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)

Periodicity: Annual

Language: Russian, English


The statistical book presents commodity supply balances of the Republic of Belarus in physical terms which reflect the movement of goods (products) from the moment of production up to the moment of their end use. It contains information on the sources and uses of selected commodities.

The book provides methodological explanations for selected statistical indicators.

For some indicators data for 2015 have been revised compared to those published previously; in a number of cases data for 2016 are preliminary.

In certain cases minor discrepancy between the total and the sum of its components is explained by data rounding.

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