Document type: Statistical data books
Registration No.: 03/549-р
Registration date: 30.09.2022
Organization: National statistical committee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)
Periodicity: Annual
Language: Russian
Publishing period - September.
The data book is a publication that describes the socio-economic development of the regions of the country: regions, districts and selected cities in 2021 in comparison with previous years. The data book is issued in two volumes.
The first volume of the publication – “Regions of the Republic of Belarus. Socio-economic indicators” – contains statistics on the population, labour resources and employment, living standards and social sector by regions, cities of regional subordination and districts.
The data book reflects the general characteristics of enterprises and organisations of regions and the city of Minsk by economic activity, legal organisational form and type of ownership. Separate subsections provide information about the activities of small and medium businesses as well as individual entrepreneurs.
The data on production and dynamics of the gross regional product are published. The real sector is represented by data by selected of economic activities – industry, agriculture and forestry, construction, trade, transport and communications. The information on scientific and innovation activities is also provided.
The publication includes data on the financial status and fixed assets of organisations, foreign trade in goods and services, information on investment in fixed capital and foreign investment. Information on price (tariff) indices for goods and services and information on the use of information and communication technologies is also published. The publication is illustrated with charts and diagrams, has cartographic material and methodological explanations.
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