Statistical review of Belarus in January-June 2016

Statistical review of Belarus in January-June 2016

Document type: Bulletins

Registration No.: 03/622-р

Registration date: 19.08.2016

Organization: National Statistical Commettee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)

Periodicity: Quarterly

Language: Russian, English


«Statistical review of Belarus» is a quarterly statistical publication that contains data on the social and economic situation in the country by 1st half-year 2016 compared with 1st half-year 2015.

Data on GDP as well as the information characterizing the development of the main kinds of economic activity – industry, agriculture, construction, transport are published.

The bulletin also includes data on retail turnover, paid services provided to population, prices and tariffs, household income, as well as the information on foreign investment.

The bulletin contains statistical data characterizing the foreign trade of the country, the distribution of volumes of exports and imports by countries, including Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. The publication is illustrated with diagrams and charts.

Published in Russian and English.

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