Social Conditions and Living Standarts of Population in the Republic of Belarus, 2013

Social Conditions and Living Standarts of Population in the Republic of Belarus, 2013

Document type: Statistical data books

Registration No.: 13/663-р

Registration date: 12 July 2013

Organization: National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)

Periodicity: Annual

Language: English

Abstract: The statistical book widely presents information describing various aspects of the level and quality of life of the population in Belarus. Main socio-economic indicators characterizing demographic situation, employment and unemployment, the size and patterns of population money incomes as well as the level, prevalence and duration of low-income state are provided.  The information on housing conditions, health status and population medical care, pension provision and social protection of selected population groups, education and culture, environment and crime is published in the book. Statistical indicators characterizing the development of consumer market of goods and services, transport and communications for population, network of tourism and recreation institutions, science and training of scientific personnel are also presented. Data for main indicators are provided in a breakdown by regions and Minsk City. The book contains some international comparisons. Selected statistical indicators are provided with brief methodological notes. In certain cases the data referring to 2012 are provisional and are subject to revision in further issues. Ratios are calculated on the basis of absolute figures expressed in smaller units  of measurement than those presented in the tables. In some cases minor discrepancies between the total and the sum can be explained by data rounding.

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