Industry of the Republic of Belarus, 2023

Industry of the Republic of Belarus, 2023

Document type: Statistical booklet

Registration No.: 05/2/398-р

Registration date: 09.08.2023

Organization: National Statistical Commettee of the Republic of Belarus (Belstat)

Periodicity: Annual

Language: Russian


32 pages, to be released in August

The statistical booklet presents brief official statistical information on the essential indicators of the industry development: dynamics of industrial production, fixed assets and investment in industry, labour, small and medium-sized business in industry, financial performance of industry organizations. The data are provided in a breakdown by economic activity.

The statistical booklet contains brief methodological explanations to selected statistical indicators.

The 2021 data for some indicators have been revised compared with those published earlier; the 2022 data are provisional and may be revised in further publications.

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