Structure of the central office of Belstat

Statistical System Coordination and Development Department

Division for planning and organizational and methodological support of statistical production

Statistical classifications division


  • Organise and coordinate work related to the development of scientifically sound official statistical methodology that follows international statistical standards
  • Plan state statistical activities
  • Develop general principles of organisation and conducting of state statistical surveys
  • Organise and coordinate work related to the information exchange between Belstat and government bodies and other state organisations
  • Ensure organisational and informational support of the work of the Interagency Council on State Statistics
  • Ensure functioning of the quality management system of state statistics bodies
  • Organise and coordinate work related to the development, adoption, maintaining, cancellation, application, official distribution (provision) of nationwide classifications assigned to Belstat; official distribution (provision) of associated information; development, adoption, maintaining and application of statistical classifications, as well as use of international and interstate classifications in state statistical activities

Complex Information and Analytical Work Department

Division for socioeconomic development monitoring

Regional statistics division


  • Implement state statistical activities in the field of accumulation, preparation, presentation and dissemination of official statistical information that comprehensively describes socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus and its regions, following the principles of state statistics
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information that comprehensively describes socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus and its regions

National Accounts Department

Division for macroeconomic statistics coordination and international comparisons

Produced GDP and GRP division

Input-output balance unit


  • Elaborate scientifically sound methodology in line with international standards in the field of building the system of national accounts, compilation of fixed assets balance, compilation and calculation of the national wealth statistical indicator, implementing work under the International Comparison Program
  • Implement state statistical activities related to building the system of national accounts, compilation of fixed assets balance, compilation and calculation of the national wealth statistical indicator, implementing work under the International Comparison Program, in line with the principles of state statistics
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information on the system of national accounts, the fixed assets balance, the national wealth statistical indicator, and the International Comparison Program

Industrial Statistics Department

Industrial production, science and innovation statistics division

Industrial production indices division

Energy statistics unit

Structural statistics division


  • Elaborate scientifically sound methodology in line with international standards in the field of industry, science and innovation, material resources, business, energy, and structural statistics
  • Implement state statistical activities in the field of industry, science and innovation, material resources, business, energy, and structural statistics, in line with the principles of state statistics
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information on industry, science and innovation, material resources, business, energy, and structural statistics

Agriculture and Environment Statistics Department

Agriculture statistics division

Environment statistics division


  • Elaborate scientifically sound methodology in line with international standards in the field of agriculture, forestry, fishery and environment statistics
  • Implement state statistical activities in the field of agriculture, forestry, fishery and environment statistics, in line with the principles of state statistics
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information on agriculture, forestry, fishery and environment statistics

Investment and Construction Statistics Department

Fixed capital investment statistics division

Construction statistics division


  • Elaborate scientifically sound methodology in line with international standards in the field of fixed capital investment, construction, and housing and utilities statistics
  • Implement state statistical activities in the field of fixed capital investment, construction, and housing and utilities statistics, in line with the principles of state statistics
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information on fixed capital investment, construction, and housing and utilities statistics

External Trade Statistics, Special Economic Zones and Commodity Balance Department


  • Elaborate scientifically sound methodology in line with international standards in the field of external trade in goods, external trade in services statistics, statistics of activities of residents of free (special) economic zones, calculation of commodity balances for selected goods (types of products)
  • Implement state statistical activities in the field of external trade in goods, external trade in services statistics, statistics of activities of residents of free (special) economic zones, calculation of commodity balances for selected goods (types of products)
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information on external trade in goods, external trade in services statistics, on the activities of residents of free (special) economic zones, on the sources of compilation of the total commodity resources of selected goods (types of products) and their uses

Price Statistics Department

Producer and wholesale price statistics division

Consumer price statistics division


  • Elaborate scientifically sound methodology in line with international standards in the field of price statistics
  • Implement state statistical activities in the field of price statistics, in line with the principles of state statistics
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information on price statistics

Finance Statistics Department

Business finance statistics division

Foreign investment and financial markets statistics division


  • Elaborate scientifically sound methodology in line with international standards in the field of business finance and foreign investment statistics
  • Implement state statistical activities in the field of business finance and foreign investment statistics, in line with the principles of state statistics
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information on business finance and foreign investment statistics

Service and Domestic Trade Statistics Department

Service statistics division

Domestic trade statistics division


  • Elaborate scientifically sound methodology in line with international standards in the field of domestic trade and catering, tourism and other services, fitness and sports, justice and offence, and mass media statistics
  • Implement state statistical activities in the field of domestic trade and catering, tourism and other services, fitness and sports, justice and offence, and mass media statistics, and selected issues of education statistics, in line with the principles of state statistics
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information on domestic trade and catering, tourism and other services, fitness and sports, justice and offence, mass media, education, culture, and recreation statistics

Transport and Information and Communication Technology Statistics Division


  • Elaborate scientifically sound methodology in line with international standards in the field of transport, telecommunication, postal and courier activities, and information and communication technology statistics
  • Implement state statistical activities in the field of transport, telecommunication, postal and courier activities, and information and communication technology statistics, in line with the principles of state statistics
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information on transport, telecommunication, postal and courier activities, and information and communication technology statistics

Demographic Statistics and Population Census Department

Demographic and health statistics division

Population census methodology, analysis and geoinformation technologies division


  • Elaborate scientifically sound methodology in line with international standards in the field of population and migration, health and social protection statistics; population census
  • Implement state statistical activities in the field of population and migration statistics, selected issues of health and social protection statistics; population census, in line with the principles of state statistics
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information on population and migration statistics, selected issues of health and social protection statistics; population census data

Labour Statistics Department

Employment statistics division

Earnings statistics division


  • Elaborate scientifically sound methodology in line with international standards in the field of labour statistics
  • Implement state statistical activities in the field of labour statistics, in line with the principles of state statistics
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information on labour statistics

Living Standards Statistics and Household Surveys Department

Living standards statistics division

Household sample surveys division


  • Elaborate scientifically sound methodology in line with international standards in the field of income and consumption, living standards and gender statistics and statistics of selected population groups
  • Implement state statistical activities in the field of income and consumption, living standards and gender statistics and statistics of selected population groups, in line with the principles of state statistics
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information on income and consumption, living standards and gender statistics and statistics of selected population groups

Statistical Register Division


  • Provide organisational and methodological support to statistical register functioning
  • Organise and coordinate work related to recording of state statistical survey respondents using the Interaction automated information system, making changes to the statistical register, removal of respondents from the records in state statistics bodies
  • Coordinate work related to the use of the statistical register for the purposes of state statistical surveys and compilation of official statistical information

International Cooperation and Statistical Information Dissemination Department

Statistical information dissemination unit

International cooperation unit

Group for Internet resource maintenance


  • Organise and coordinate work to implement cooperation of Belstat with statistical agencies of foreign states and international organisations in the field of statistics
  • Satisfy the demands of the society, the state and the international community for official statistical information
  • Organise and coordinate work to monitor the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators in the Republic of Belarus
  • Organise and coordinate dissemination and/or provision of primary statistical data by state statistics bodies
  • Ensure functioning of the official websites of state statistics bodies on the Internet

Information Systems Development Department

Technical development and information security service

Information security group

Service for statistical information resources development


  • Elaborate and ensure the implementation of the concepts of informatization of state statistics bodies, develop, jointly with the structural units of Belstat and territorial state statistics bodies, activities in the field of informatization of state statistics bodies, and monitor the progress of their implementation
  • Develop and implement a single policy in the field of development of information systems used by state statistical bodies (hereinafter, ISs), specialized software tools for statistical production processes (hereinafter, specialized STs), statistical information resources (hereinafter, SIRs), and computing and network infrastructure of state statistics bodies (hereinafter, CNI)
  • Organise and coordinate work on the design, implementation, maintenance and development of ISs, implementation, maintenance and development of specialised STs, creation, maintenance and development of SIRs, as well as maintenance and development of CNI
  • Organise, coordinate and perform work on methodological and technological support of electronic collection and processing of primary statistical data
  • Implement information security policy in state statistics bodies
  • Organise, coordinate and perform work on technical and cryptographic protection of the information processed in the ISs, the dissemination and/or provision of which is restricted and which does not contain data classified as state secrets

Financial and Organisational Support Department

Financial-economic and property management service

Maintenance and logistics service

Monitoring and document management service


  • Implement a single financial policy in state statistics bodies
  • Exercise control over economical and targeted spending of funds allocated from the republican budget for state statistical bodies; assist in more efficient use of financial, labour and material resources
  • Organise work related to the management of state property owned by the Republic of Belarus and under the operational control of Belstat and territorial bodies of state statistics, economic management of state organisations subordinated to Belstat
  • Coordinate work on the implementation of public procurement of goods (works, services)
  • Organise record keeping, improvement of electronic document flow in the Belstat system in compliance with regulatory legal acts and state standards
  • Organise work of Belstat's archive in compliance with regulatory legal acts and state standards
  • Exercise control over compliance with the established rules for working with documents

Budget Performance and Control Division


  • Ensure execution of the republican budget as relates to the budgetary funds allocated to the state statistical bodies to perform the functions they are entrusted with
  • Provide methodological and organisational support of activities of state statistics bodies as relates to the issues if accounting and reporting
  • Produce complete and reliable information about Belstat activities and its financial position, income received, expenses incurred, and results of economic activities
  • Organise and keep accounting records in the central office of Belstat, analyse this work in the territorial state statistics bodies and state organisations subordinated to Belstat
  • Exercise control over the execution of cost estimates within the budget
  • Сontrol the lawfulness and efficiency of use and spending of funds, ensure the strictest regime of economy
  • Ensure timely and correct settlements, exercise control over compliance with payment and financial discipline
  • Prepare and submit consolidated financial statements in compliance with the legislation in full and within the established deadlines
  • Monitor the financial and economic activities of the territorial state statistics bodies and state organisations subordinated to Belstat

Legal Division


  • Assist in ensuring the rule of law in the activities of Belstat and its officials
  • Exercise control over the conformity of draft regulatory legal acts and other legal acts developed by Belstat and submitted for signature to the management of Belstat to the legislation and international treaties to which the Republic of Belarus is a party
  • Directly participate in the elaboration of draft regulatory legal acts and other legal acts in accordance with the competence of Belstat
  • Provide legal advice to the officials and structural units of Belstat in the main areas of its activities
  • Keep records of regulatory legal acts adopted (issued) by Belstat, participate in the compilation of a single reference data bank of legal information in the Republic of Belarus
  • Represent Belstat on legal issues in courts, government bodies and other organisations
  • Organise and coordinate work on suppression and prevention of the facts of violation of submission procedure of the state statistical reporting data by respondents

Human Resources Division


  • Pursue state policy on personnel management aimed at staffing state statistics bodies with highly qualified specialists, optimising the structure and rational distribution of the number of staff
  • Effectively use and deploy personnel in accordance with their professional, business and personal qualities
  • Organise work on the development of the personnel of state statistics bodies
  • Manage employee motivation
  • Improve and use up-to-date forms, methods and technologies in personnel management
  • Provide organisational support to the civil service procedures
  • Conduct ideological work