International technical assistance Project «Support to preparation and implementation of the 2019 population census in Belarus Project»

International technical assistance Project «Support to preparation and implementation of the 2019 population census in Belarus Project» is implemented by the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus with financial support of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

The project has been approved by the Commission on International Technical Cooperation under the aegis of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus according to the Extract No 2 from Protocol of the meeting on January 31, 2019 No 35/225-124пр «On the International technical assistance consideration», and has been registered by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus on February 27, 2019, register number No 2/19/000977.

The project will contribute to strengthening national and institutional capacity in the preparation and implementation of the population census, improving the methodology and technology of collecting, processing and disseminating census data in accordance with international standards and recommendations, and implementing activities to ensure the quality of census data.

The objective of the Project is to support the improvement of the quality and applicability of 2019 Population Census data through methodological and technological innovations including through: (i) transitioning from paper-based data collection to Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI); (ii) exploring the feasibility of internet self-interviewing; and (iii) enhancing the applicability of spatial information through modern Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies.

Project Key Performance Indicators:

  • methodological support for the population census implementation is improved;
  • technical/technological support for the population census implementation is improved;
  • strategy for popularization of the population census is developed;
  • summary census data are prepared for publication and dissemination at the national and international levels.

Project Components:

  1. Preparing the national statistical system for 2019 Population Census;
  2. Ensuring access to the non-confidential 2019 Population Census data and indicators;
  3. Project management and implementation support.

Period of the project implementation – 2019 - 2021.